Anderson Cooper Makes Appearance at Elon University

Cooper Takes a 360-Degree Look at Current Events

By Shea Northcut

Elon University welcomed acclaimed journalist, Anderson Cooper, to campus on April 7. Known for his show AC 360 on CNN, Cooper spoke on current events and the experiences he has had covering major stories around the globe. He shared his own experiences in war-torn countries and his help in events like Hurricane Katrina.


Anderson Cooper during the question & answer session. Photo courtesy of media relations.

“It is vital to me to bear witness to what’s going on,” Cooper explained. “As a journalist, I believe in fact and not opinion…the last thing you need is another blow dried anchor to tell you what to think. “

Cooper explained how he received great advice from his mother before starting his career to make sure he “followed his bliss” in whatever he decided to do with his life. Graduating from Yale University with a political science concentration, he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life until he traveled out of the country.

I may have gone to Yale but I got my real education when I traveled where the boundaries aren’t clear and the chambers of the heart were released,” Cooper said. “I had to create my own opportunity…if I went to places extremely dangerous, there wouldn’t be many reporters and I wouldn’t have that much competition.”

After being rejected from ABC News as a desk assistant, he moved to Southeast Asia to become a war correspondent and started his career in Somalia.


Drew Smith and myself with Anderson Cooper before his speech.

“Until then I never saw famine,” Cooper said. “When I went there I found my calling because I could give testimony of their lives and I found purpose in that.”

Cooper decided to move on in his journalism career and advance his skills by reporting on a variety of topics other than just being a war correspondent. He joined in with CNN in 2001 to become a correspondent to cover the war of the United States as well as other events like Hurricane Katrina and the funeral of Pope John Paul II in Vatican City.

Hurricane Katrina

“So much of what happened there threatens to be forgotten,” Cooper explained. He spoke on a personal encounter he had with an elderly woman and a son who slowly died after having no food or water as they were told they would.

“It is up to individuals to make a difference…success and failure, hope and heartache, even between life and death,” began Cooper. “Individuals have to take responsibilities themselves even if the government is not.”

Media Sources

Cooper touched on how media is changing and how important it is for people to check multiple sources when receiving their news.

“We are in a strange time with news,” said Cooper. “You must know the forces that are shaping and delivering the news…it’s the only way to know what is true and what is not.”

He mentioned how new technology is exciting to him and how remains optimistic about the future. Although he reports for broadcast news, he still finds flaws in television and thinks it is not the best for the audience.

“Television doesn’t do a good job of following up,” said Cooper. “Television tends to go for the most dramatic so they can attract viewership.

Cooper arrived an hour early to campus and was able to go around to speak to journalism students at Elon. He shared insight to students on where the media is going and how he got where is now. Click here to see videos of Cooper speaking to students in the classroom.

Watch Anderson Cooper interact with student: